segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012


Esteta Galeria invites you to the opening receptions of 
 PETER MILLER photogravures exhibition
21 September (friday), 17:30~19:30
Exhibition Dates: 24~29 September

Gallery hours: 15:00~19:00

- Artist's Statement -
Images have the power to transcend time, evoking responses drawn from primordial memory. Curiously it is this link to deep time past that enables images to anticipate the future as well. Seeing clearly what's going on here-and-now can be -- clairvoyant. The photogravure etchings in this exhibit draw their inspiration from Japan, where I live. Even overseas, images of Japan present themselves. Printed on hand-made washi or etching paper, with the simplicity of ink, etched copper, and paper, they suggest the Currents, Rhythms, eflections, Light, Fog, and Shadows permeating our everyday lives.

A special edition of the exhibition catalogue, limited to 30 impressions, includes an original photogravure etching – 'Matines' (Morning Glory) – printed especially for this edition on 210 x 210 mm Fabriano Tiepolo etching paper. It is available by advance subscription at reduced cost until 1 Oct, as described

Marie Parra-Aledo writes in the Introduction about the connection between modern and primordial intaglio: 'From simple gestures to the most innovative technologies, the print always resonates with visceral perception, with the vital rhythms of primordial gestures seen today as gestures of art, intimately bound up with the instinctive, living perception possessed in common by humans and animals, in search of memory.' Portugal of course has a particular affinity for the sea, as it was settled by Phoenician sailors. Always outward-looking and adventurous, the Portuguese were the first Europeans to develop relations with Japan. With Seascapes and with images inspired by Japan, we pay tribute to that heritage.


Esteta Galeria : Rua Sousa Viterbo, nº 28-1º, 4405-593 Porto, Tel: 22 2082051